Quick Start

Check and install dependencies

To run ProDuSe successfully, ensure the following non-python dependencies are installed on your system:

(Optional) Install ProDuSe

To run ProDuSe as a command line command, install ProDuSe as follows:

From the command line:

cd /path/to/ProDuSe/clone/
python setup.py install

This will automatically install all python dependencies.

Setup ProDuSe configuration

To run ProDuSe, you will need the following:

  1. Sequence (fastq) files from your sample of interest
  2. The barcode sequence of your sample
  3. ProDuse configuration file

If you are unsure of the barcode sequence, it can be estimated using adapter_predict

To start, modify the ProDuSe configuration file with your sample’s information:

min_molecules = 2
mutant_molecules = 3
variant_allele_fraction_threshold = 0.01
min_reads_per_uid = 1

adapter_sequence = NNNWSMRWSYWKMWWT
adapter_position = 0001111111111110
max_mismatch = 3


strand_position = 0001111111111110
adapter_max_mismatch = 3
duplex_position = 0000000001111110
duplex_max_mismatch = 2


adapter_sequence = NNNWSMRWSYWKMWWT
adapter_position = 0001111111111110
max_mismatch = 3


See the help page of each script if you are unsure what a specific parameter does.

Run ProDuSe

Finally, run ProDuSe with the specified information.

If you installed ProDuSe:

produse run_produse -x /path/to/Stitcher.exe -r /path/to/reference/genome/build -c /path/to/produse/config/file -f /path/to/fastq.R1 /path/to/fastq.R2

If you did not install ProDuSe:

/path/to/ProDuSe/ProDuSe/ProdusePipleine.py -x /path/to/Stitcher.exe -r /path/to/reference/genome/build -c /path/to/produse/config/file -f /path/to/fastq.R1 /path/to/fastq.R2

All results will be placed in the current working directory (this can be changed using -d), under produse_analysis_directory.

Running multiple samples at once

ProDuSe can process multiple samples sequentially with the same command. You will need a sample configuration file to use this feature.

Specify each sample in this configuration file:




There is no space after the comma

If you would like to specify different parameters for each sample, they can be specified in the sample_config file:



These parameters will be used for that sample alone.


Parameters specified in the sample configuration file override ProDuSe configuration file parameters for that sample, while ProDuSe configuration file parameters override command line parameters for ALL samples

When running ProDuSe, this sample configuration file will be specified instead of fastq files.

If ProDuSe is installed:

produse run_produse -x /path/to/Stitcher.exe -r /path/to/reference/genome/build -c /path/to/produse/config/file *-sc /path/to/sample/configuration/file*

If ProDuSe is not installed:

/path/to/ProDuSe/ProDuSe/ProdusePipleine.py -x /path/to/Stitcher.exe -r /path/to/reference/genome/build -c /path/to/produse/config/file *-sc /path/to/sample/configuration/file*

All results will be outputted in individual sample directories under ‘produse_analysis_directory’.